To keep hygienic environment,We all got BARBICIDE COVID-19 CERTIFICATION

The Post COVID-19 Risk Assessment Carried Out by MY SNUG ROOM Hair Salon
Make an appointment
-What Control Measures Are In Place-
Upon confirming their appointment, the Client should be advised that;
・The Client must wear a face covering during their appointment (with effect from 8 th August 2020). Clients should advise if exclusions apply.
・The Client must adhere to appointment times to reduce unsafe congestion in the salon;
・The Client should arrive for their appointment alone to reduce unsafe congestion in the Salon;
・The Client should leave excess personal belongings at home or in their car to reduce possible transmission;
・Clients to be advised if only Card payments are accepted (if applicable).
Arriving at the salon
-What Control Measures Are In Place-
・Staff & Clients must not enter the Salon if they or anyone in their household is showing signs of Coronavirus.
・Staff must phone in sick and self-isolate. If anyone else in their household has Coronavirus symptoms, they must then phone in sick and isolate for 14 days.
・Staff must phone in sick and self-isolate. If anyone else in their household has Coronavirus symptoms, they must then phone in sick and isolate for 14 days.
Entering the salon
-What Control Measures Are In Place-
・STOP THE SPREAD signage to be displayed throughout the Salon to advise Staff & Clients to maintain social distancing within the Salon environment.
・SANITATION AREA Staff & Clients that they must hand sanitise as they enter the salon.
・The Client must wear a face covering upon entering the Salon and during their appointment.
・Staff starting their shift should enter the Salon, wash hands then set up work station.
・SANITATION AREA Staff & Clients that they must hand sanitise as they enter the salon.
・The Client must wear a face covering upon entering the Salon and during their appointment.
・Staff starting their shift should enter the Salon, wash hands then set up work station.
Reception/Waiting area
-What Control Measures Are In Place-
・NHS Track&Trace QR Code is displayed within the Reception/Waiting Area to ensure Clients to leave their informations.
・The Client should approach the Reception desk ensuring a safe distance as outlined by floor markings.
・The Client should be advised that magazines are unable to be provided to reduce possible transmission.
・Prior to greeting Clients, Staff should ensure hands are sanitised and full PPE* is worn.
・The Client should approach the Reception desk ensuring a safe distance as outlined by floor markings.
・The Client should be advised that magazines are unable to be provided to reduce possible transmission.
・Prior to greeting Clients, Staff should ensure hands are sanitised and full PPE* is worn.
-What Control Measures Are In Place-
・Staff should carry out the Consultation with the Client through the section mirror to avoid face to face contact or, at a suitable social distance.
-What Control Measures Are In Place-
・Adequate ventilation should be in place during salon activities.
・Social distancing should be adhered to at all times.
・Social distancing should be adhered to at all times.
Checking out
-What Control Measures Are In Place-
・The Client should approach the Reception desk ensuring a safe distance as outlined by floor markings.
・Staff should ensure hands are sanitised and full PPE* is worn.
・Staff to continually wipe down smooth surfaces including doors and door handles using disinfectant in between Clients.
Toilet facilities
-What Control Measures Are In Place-
・Usage to be restricted to one person at a time.
・Staff to ensure regular cleaning of facilities ensuring toilet paper, hand towels and hand wash is readily available.
・Staff to ensure waste paper bin is emptied regularly & contents disposed of correctly.
・Staff to continually wipe down smooth surfaces including doors door handles, toilet flush and tap using disinfectant in between Clients.
・Staff to ensure regular cleaning of facilities ensuring toilet paper, hand towels and hand wash is readily available.
・Staff to ensure waste paper bin is emptied regularly & contents disposed of correctly.
・Staff to continually wipe down smooth surfaces including doors door handles, toilet flush and tap using disinfectant in between Clients.